Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh, Fabulous 30!

On the brink of turning 30 years old (in November) I thought, "Why do people say they love 30 so much? Why do they feel so figured out and comfortable with themselves? I still feel like a teenager!" Well, a few months in and I think I've got it. I'm not figured out (and for that matter, I doubt those that say they are, actually are either), but I know who I am a little more each day.
I'm still torn between country and city, still completely confused by organized religion and am still weighing the pros and cons of homeschooling. But in the midst of this confusion I have realized that I am "different"...and it's ok. I know that I make the decisions I do based on research and gut instinct. I know that everything I do is to better myself or my family. I feed my family nutritious and organic foods, I don't vaccinate "on schedule" (that's a whole other topic for another day), and I don't buy products with chemical names I can't pronounce. My next baby will be born at home, not in a hospital, unless there is a medical need. I breastfed my kid. My son has never eaten at McDonald's. Ever. He probably never will. I could drive for days...the excitement of going somewhere, maybe even nowhere, just enjoying the scenery and the conversation. I like country music. I love massages. I love to read and I read the end of a book when I'm about 3 chapters into the beginning. I'm a gypsy at heart with a longing for home, even though I don't know what that means, exactly. This is who I am. Some of it I like, some I don't, but it's me. Apparently my husband loves me for it all or despite it all, and when it comes down to it, should I even care what anyone else thinks as long as my husband loves me?
I'm not perfect, and it took turning 30 to decide I don't have kill myself trying to be.


  1. I LOVE this post! I have been on my own journey and discovering who I am over the past year since turning 30. I never knew that I didn't know myself, if you know what I mean. :) I'm still figuring it all out as well, but it's really awesome. I love your description of yourself. "I'm a gypsy at heart with a longing for home." So cool.

  2. Thanks! I find myself to be a series of opposites, but time to go with it instead fighting myself all the time.
    Tatiana, for what it's worth, you appear totally together and I admire all that you do!
